2014 Eco-Justice Workshops

Bristol Bay and the Proposed Pebble Mine: Seeking Peace and Protection for Salmon

Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, 11:00 am

Putting North America’s largest open pit mine at the head waters of the worlds largest sockeye salmon fishery is just a bad idea. Alaskan Natives know it, Orthodox Christians know it, commercial fishermen know it. Come learn about their effort to stop the mine, care for God’s Creation, and what you can do to ensure we can all enjoy wild sockeye salmon in the future!


  • Father Michael Oleksa, Orthodox Church in America


  • Tricia Bruckbauer, Creation Justice Ministries

Energy Development – Its Impact on Communities, Creation, and Culture

Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, 11:00 am

Energy and resource development brings both benefits and challenges to the surrounding communities, creation, and the world. This workshop will explore the recent energy boom here in the US as well as emerging energy needs (such as the copper needed for renewable energy devices) and the impacts our personal and systemic choices are having on all of God’s creation.


  • Tyler Edgar, Creation Justice Ministries

Climate, Conflict, and Development: Part 2

Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, 2:45 pm

Join us to learn how you can help families and communities in Kenya and Sri Lanka (and all around the world) without even leaving the US. Faith communities in the US have an important role to play in ensuring climate justice for all of God’s people. This workshop will build off of the previous workshop (Climate, Conflict, and Development: Part 1, part of the Global Economic Justice Workshops) but all are welcome.

Workshop Resources:

See related workshop

Water, Holy Water – Earth Day 2014

Sunday, Mar 23, 2014, 1:30 pm

As water becomes the cause of more and more conflicts around the world, it is important that we understand our connection to water and the impact we are having on water resources in our communities and regions. Come explore Creation Justice Ministries’ 2014 Earth Day Resource “Water, Holy Water” and learn how you can use this resource in your congregation and community.


  • Mary Minette, Director of Environmental Education and Advocacy, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


  • Tyler Edgar, Creation Justice Ministries


Contributing Sponsors & Partner Organizations