The Real Violence Behind Sequestration

Sunday, Mar 23, 2014, 1:30 pm

The latest budget deal provided some necessary (albeit temporary) relief from sequestration. But anti-poverty programs weren’t overflowing with funds before sequestration began. Even with the deal that replaced most of sequestration for two years, competition for federal funding remains fierce. Additional cuts could devastate critical programs, but dollars are scarce. This is a new budgetary environment. Yet, there’s hope. The anniversary of the War on Poverty lifted the issue into prominence within the national dialogue. Learn how you can adapt your advocacy to take advantage of the growing conversation around poverty. Hear new techniques to ensure anti-poverty programs secure adequate funding. What are ways we can make anti-poverty programs stronger and more effective? How do we transform the violence of sequestration into  the promise of a sustained and national commitment to end poverty?

Workshop Resources:

Presentation (PDF)

"Homless Youth Speak Out" Video


  • Leslie Woods, Domestic Poverty & Environmental Issues, Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Kathy Saile, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Rev. Kelly D. Wilkins, Coalition on Human Needs


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