For immediate release
August 18, 2011
Is THIS the Fast I Seek?: Economy, Livelihood and Our National Priorities
(Isaiah 58)
March 23 – 26, 2012 | Washington, DC
WASHINGTON – In this era of economic and political urgency, as critical decisions will continue to be made about U.S. federal budget priorities and as national elections are fast approaching, Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) asks, “Is This the Fast I Seek?”
Come to the 10th Annual EAD, March 23-26, 2012, in Washington, DC where we will explore Economy, Livelihood and Our National Priorities through the lens of Isaiah 58. Join other Christians in seeking a global economy and a national budget that break the yokes of injustice, poverty, hunger and unemployment throughout the world – heeding Isaiah’s call to become “repairers of the breach and restorers of streets to live in.”
In a global economy based on scarcity, corporate greed, and individualism, we will seek God’s alternative vision for global community: one that breaks the chains of injustice and creates the possibility of a sustainable livelihood with dignity for all, thus living into a reality of God’s abundance.
Through Isaiah 58, God challenges a nation that on the one hand professes a delight in seeking God and knowing God’s ways, yet serves self interests, oppresses workers, neglects poor and hungry people and quarrels to no good end. Isaiah calls the nation to a righteous practice that loosens the bonds of injustice, lets the oppressed go free, and breaks every yoke. As Christian disciples, EAD participants will attempt to live into Christ’s fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophetic witness (Luke 4).
Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Come to “Is This the Fast I Seek?,” EAD’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration, March 23-26, 2012 in Washington, DC and help shape our national priorities!
We will worship, dialogue and be inspired and equipped to speak boldly as people of faith. Rousing preachers, stimulating theologians and internationally known policy experts will offer a faith-based vision for a just economy and a healthy livelihood, along with training on key policy issues and grassroots advocacy -culminating with lobby visits on Capitol Hill. In addition, area specific workshops will be offered on Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, Domestic U.S., Eco-Justice, Global Economic Justice and Peace & Global Security.
Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global Peace with Justice is sponsored by the ecumenical Christian community and is grounded in biblical witness and our shared tradition of justice, peace and integrity of creation. Our goal is to strengthen our Christian voice and mobilize for advocacy on specific U.S. domestic and international policy issues.