Newly Elected Presbyterian Stated Clerk to Keynote at EAD 2017

November 21, 2016

WASHINGTON — November 21, 2016 — Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global
Peace with Justice (EAD) is pleased to announce that the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, newly elected Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), will serve as the keynote preacher for EAD 2017’s Interdenominational Worship service on Sunday, April 23, 2017.

The Sunday worship service is a “highlight” experience during EAD’s national gathering which is scheduled for April 21-24, 2017. The theme is titled, “Confronting Chaos, Forging Community: Challenging Racism, Materialism and Militarism.” The theme builds upon Dr. Martin Luther King’s final book and the fiftieth anniversary of his historic, final speech at Riverside Church in New York City.

“J. Herbert is a long-time friend and leader within the EAD family,” said Douglas Grace, Director of EAD. “EAD 2017 will occur at the conclusion of the first 100 days of the incoming Trump Administration. Now is the time for the Christian community to unite around our common, core principles and energize to make a bold and pronounced faithful public witness to those principles. J. Herbert Nelson is a gifted preacher who will inspire that energy in sending us to Capitol Hill for EAD’s Lobby Day the following day.”

In a post-election statement, Dr. Nelson reflected, “…President-Elect Trump is our newly elected leader. However, it is my hope that the post-election anger, pain, and frustration demonstrated on the streets will lay the foundation for a transformed political system in the years to come. Through coalition building and community organizing, we have an opportunity to create a vision of shared prosperity, safety, dignity, and justice that is truly inclusive and compelling to a broad base.”

Nelson continued, “… Just as the doors of the Church are open, so too are the doors to the movement for justice. We invite you to join us in our steadfast commitment to stand with the marginalized and our humble desire to contribute to strategy and vision that will help create the kingdom of God.”

The gathering marks the 15th annual event where nearly 1,000 Christians come to Washington, DC to learn, network and advocate before Congress on federal policy issues that the ecumenical community is concerned. This year, perhaps more than ever, EAD calls on participants to come and make a loud, faithful witness to a new Congress and a new Administration.

EAD’s 2017 National Gathering will again be held at the DoubleTree Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, VA — just across The Potomac River from the U.S. Capitol Building. The event concludes with EAD’s Lobby Day where a prepared legislative “Ask” is taken to members of Congress by the gathered participants. “We expect Christian advocates from all across the country to attend the gathering,” said Grace. ”

Registration is open at, along with the young adult scholarship application process, so plan now to be in Washington next April!”

Read the biography of Rev. Dr. Nelson here.

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