Join Virtual Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2020 for a ZOOM webinar that will prepare us to take online action with members of Congress on what would have been our Lobby Day, Monday, April 27, 2020, 1 pm EDT / 10 am PDT. Event completed
Our theme for the 2020 conference now seems almost prescient in light of the global pandemic we face. Drawing inspiration from 2 Peter 3:12, 13, we envisioned a gathering that would explore the intersections between the environment and the economy. We developed workshops that would center voices from the margin and invited speakers and planned worship that would spark our collective imagination of what a “new earth” might look like – a restored Earth that would heal our communities and the planet we inhabit. Although we grieve this missed opportunity to be together, we are excited to still gather with you in heart, in spirit, and in action the weekend of April 24-27.
Our free ZOOM webinar, on Monday, April 27, will feature some of the topics that we would have examined in person. Dr. Betty Holley, Associate Professor of Ecological Theology at Payne Theological Seminary, Archbishop Mark L. MacDonald, first National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Shantha Ready Alonso, Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries will provide the inspiration and guidance for our online action.
Together, we will call on Congress to address the intersections between climate justice and the current global health crisis.
While there is no registration fee to join our ZOOM Webinar, as you may know, EAD has substantial fixed expenses. The necessity to cancel our in-person gathering has resulted in a financial shortfall. If you are able to support us with a free will offering, we would truly appreciate it.
Friends, the pandemic that keeps us from gathering together now ironically offers us a glimpse of how we can act to address the many other systemic and existential challenges we face as a global community. Climate change, economic injustice, and racism (to name just a few) continue to keep us and all God’s people and the Earth from thriving. In these times, let us continue to “Imagine!” and work for the world we hope for, the world God intends, a world in which all is restored.
Join us online April 27 and mark your calendars now to join in person April 16-19, 2021!
With hope-
Leslie Woods and the EAD Planning Team