The Leadership Team of Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global Peace with Justice (EAD) is pleased to announce the International “Ask” for Lobby Day on
Monday, April 8th. In addition to focusing on voting rights and securing democracy in the U.S., EAD participants will focus on reducing violent conflict and protecting human rights defenders abroad.
International Ask:
Self-determination and democratic aspiration are being hammered around the world by violence. Violence and violent conflict are now the leading causes of displacement worldwide, driving 80 percent of humanitarian need and a major cause of human rights violations, according to the World Bank. Furthermore, at least 321 human rights defenders mobilizing their communities for change were killed in 2018 within just 27 countries. Congress must act to reduce violent conflict and strengthen respect for human rights and protection of human rights defenders abroad by supporting both the Global Fragility Act and S. Res. 80 creating a Human Rights Commission in the Senate.
The Global Fragility Act requires the U.S. government in collaboration with global civil society to develop a 10-year strategy to reduce current levels of global violence, especially since violent conflict undermines these rights and human dignity abroad. By acting on S. Res. 80 to set up a Human Rights Commission in the Senate, Congress will create an ongoing structure to complement a similar existing commission in the House of Representatives, and make human rights issues and the protection of human rights defenders around the globe a more central part of discussion and policymaking in the U.S. Congress.
This international ask complements the previously announced domestic ask.
For more information about the domestic and international asks, visit our Congressional Advocacy Day page for #EAD2019.
Pre-Event Theology Workshop: