A Landscape for Change: Creating and Sustaining Eco-Justice Ministries in Local Congregations and Communities

Saturday, Apr 22, 2017, 2:00 pm

Join us as we tackle this guiding question: How to develop a local eco-justice ministry? This workshop will provide tools, strategies, skills and connections for church and community leaders to create eco-justice ministries. The session is designed to be conversational and interactive. Divided in groups, participants will address a specific question on how they may create a landscape for justice within various ministry and community contexts. This will be accomplished by facilitating three different table discussions around the following focus questions: 1. How might we green our local congregation? 2. What are the ways we may create and sustain partnerships around environmental justice? 3. In what ways may we plug into social change movements (faith and otherwise) to support broader systems change?


Rev. Drew Giddings, The Carver Project; Rev. Dawrell Rich, PhD student, Drew University – School of Theology & The Carver Project.


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