2016 Worship & Prayer

Young woman leading song at EAD worship

The conference worship experiences are always a very formative and enlivening part of our weekend of education and advocacy. As an organization that draws diverse Christians from all across the United States and beyond, we strive to allow a variety of gifts from the various Christian churches and communities to find expression in an harmonious way as we build upon areas of commonality and allow ourselves to be stretched to embrace new worship experiences. Similarly, we allow our imaginations and vision for worship to be expanded by each year’s conference theme and the perspectives of the various workshops, plenaries, and legislative needs that are presented.


Speaker and Preacher for Prayer and Worship Events

Friday Opening Celebration
Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. William Barber
President, North Carolina NAACP;
Convener, Forward Together Moral Movement

View video.

Rev. Dr. William Barber
Sunday Interdenominational Worship
Keynote Preacher
Rev. Amy Gopp
Vice President of External Relations,
IMA World Health

View video.

Rev. Amy Gopp

NOTE: Due to copyright restrictions, videos of the full Opening Celebration and Sunday Worship will not be provided. Videos of the preachers will be made available on the speakers pages.

Music Ministry for the 2016 National Gathering


ELCA Glocal Musicians

Glocal Musicians groupMusic and worship leadership during this year’s EAD National Gathering is provided by the Glocal Musicians of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The musicians were formed by the Global Formation Team in ELCA Global Mission to provide musical leadership for the Glocal Gatherings hosted by congregations and other Christian communities throughout North America and the Caribbean. Through its intentional diversity—including representation from many countries, denominations, and several cultures—the group embodies ways to stand in mutual solidarity while amplifying marginalized voices.

In addition to offering musical worship that includes global voices, the musicians are committed to forming local leaders seeking to introduce global themes in their communities. The songs they teach are grounded in the community stories that raise awareness and inspire advocacy. The musicians embody what it means to be “Glocal”—simultaneously global and local—so we can accompany one another across cultures, even in our own neighborhoods.

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