Enough for All Creation
EAD’s 2009 National Gathering focused on the impact of global climate change on food systems, migration and poverty
Friday, March 13 – Monday, March 16, 2009
“The Thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
The 2009 Ecumenical Advocacy Days gathering was a huge success! More than 800 participants gathered over the March 13 weekend to ask Congress to advocate for abundance in our world and that it be allocated in a way that is fair and just for all creation.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, welcomed conference participants who replied with great applause after citing the election of a new administration in Washington, “which makes it possible for us to play offense, not just defense.” Sean McDonagh S.S.C., Ecologist and Roman Catholic Columban priest, provided the opening session keynote address warning participants that climate change is “the most serious reality facing the planet today, and facing that reality must be the most important religious issue.” McDonagh explained that it was not too late to prevent a planet-wide catastrophe, “but serious action must begin now.” The closing worship service on Sunday was led by the Reverend John McCullough, Executive Director and CEO of Church World Service. Rev. McCullough reminded participants of the churches responsibility to end global warming. He called on participants to “engage in responsible behavior.” Further explaining that, “It is not enough for us to lift theological and moral platitudes, we need to also lead by example and put our faith into action in order to avert this existential threat to our children and grandchildren – it means that on a personal level I have to do even the simplest of things like driving less, turning off unnecessary lights, unplugging unused appliances, controlling waste, and adjusting thermostats according to season.” The conference culminated on Monday when conference attendees participated in over 300 visits with their members of Congress.
Worship Resources
Opening Worship: Enough! Remembering God’s Creation – A Call to Transformative Action
Morning Praise: Creation – God’s Gift, Our Responsibility
Interdenominational Worship: Washed in Living Water, Called to Transform the Earth
Ecumenical Franciscan Evening Prayer: Celebrating 800 Years of the Traditions of Francis & Clare
EAD Director Highlights Advocates in Thanksgiving Message
November 27, 2013
Dear Friends of EAD, Thanksgiving is a time that reminds me how grateful the Leadership Team of Ecumenical Advocacy Days is for the commitment of literally thousands of Christian advocates who have participated in a faithful public witness through EAD over the past twelve years! When we look back over our history, EAD has been an ecumenical initiative that has…