2010 Peace and Global Security Workshops

Together we explored ways that Christians can organize in our communities to address issues related to peace and global security. We explored how we can help create a world in which people are able to stay at home in security; and in a world of insecurity, how does the U.S. and communities of faith extend hospitality.


Promoting Inclusive Security – Cross Cultural Understanding and Engagement

In recent years, waves of migrants, whether fleeing political oppression, war, poverty or environmental destruction, have entered or tried to enter the United States. They have become unwarranted targets of suspicion and resentment. Recognizing the diversity of gifts from other nations and cultures can help the U.S. emphasize cooperative engagement toward just peace and inclusive global security rather than an approach to national security that is driven by fear of the “other.” This session will discuss the kind of cross cultural work and experiences that can contribute to inclusive global security. It will also include recommendations on how the U.S. can better use its foreign policy toolkit to promote cross cultural understanding and engagement.


  • Susan Hayward, Senior Program Officer, Religion and Peacemaking, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Marie Dennis, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns and co-President, Pax Christi International.

Ending Torture – At Home and Abroad

Come learn about three areas of work to end torture at home and abroad: 1) Ending U.S.-sponsored torture forever; 2) Ending torture in U.S. prisons; and 3) Advocating for U.S. policies and practices that help end torture by other governments. The session will include concrete suggestions for how people of faith can work to end torture in 2010, and Q/A with the panelists.


  • Linda Gustitus, President of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture
  • Lance Tapley, investigative journalist on the campaign to limit the use of solitary confinement in Maine
  • Stephen Rickard, Executive Director of the Open Society Policy Center.


Just Peace: Do the ten practices of Just Peacemaking give us a better answer for terrorism?

The number of international terrorist attacks has increased exponentially since the U. S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq: 208 terrorist attacks caused 625 deaths in 2003; 3,168 attacks caused 1,907 deaths in 2004; 11,111 attacks caused 14,602 deaths in 2005; 14,500 attacks caused 20,745 deaths in 2006. But terrorist attacks have stopped in Turkey and Ireland. Why?


  • Dr. Glen H. Stassen, Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary

Moderator: Michael Neuroth, Policy Advocate on International Issues, United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
Racism & Immigration

Racism lies at the heart of much of the national immigration debate & current national security policy. A world view of “us versus them” shape individual & collective fears & responses far from our biblical heritage. In this interactive workshop we will explore the role race plays in the immigration debate & look at security from a human rights rather than national security perspective. Join us for an experiential workshop in search of practical solution for long-term impact.


  • Carol Barton serves as Executive Secretary for Community Action with the Women’s Division
  • Rev. Kelvin Sauls serves as the Assistant General Secretary for Congregational Development & Racial Ethnic Ministry at the General Board of Global Ministries of the UMC. Rev. Sauls is also the co-founder of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI).


Nuclear Weapons Free World

This workshop explores near term concrete steps in the process of moving toward abolition of all the world’s nuclear weapons. Discussion will focus on, among other activities, ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the upcoming Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference.


  • David Culp, Legislative Representative, Friends Committee on National Legislation
  • Dave Robinson, Executive Director, Pax Christi USA.

Investing in True Security and Human Needs: Changing the Federal Budget

At a time of financial hardship, where are our dollars going? How do we ensure that U.S. spending promotes security for people on local and global scales? This session will include information on where money for human needs can come from at this time, ways to speak to policymakers so they will listen, and first steps you can take to make an impact.


  • Jo Comerford, Executive Director of National Priorities Project.
  • Miriam Pemberton, Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies
  • Marie Rietmann, Public Policy Director for Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND).

Moderator: Alissa Wilson, Policy Associate, American Friends Service Committee Washington Office.

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