2019 Peace and Global Security Workshops
Storytelling for Advocacy: How to use Communications in your Advocacy using the case of Armed Drones
Effective storytelling and communications is critical to our justice work. How can we move Congress and policy makers on our issues? What does the research say about social media and non-traditional tactics? How can we move people to care and influence Congress on complex issues such as the U.S. use of armed drones? Come and hear from practitioners and policy experts on best practices and how we can more effectively communicate our values in a social media driven and 24 hour news cycle world.
- Allegra Harpootlian, Media Associate, Peace & Security Collaborative, ReThink Media.
- Matt Hawthorne, Policy Director, National Religious Campaign Against Torture
- Moderator: Rev. Michael Neuroth, Policy Advocate for International Issues, United Church of Christ
Still Waters in the Midst of Violent Conflict: The Growing Phenomenon of Unarmed Civilian Protection
In South Sudan, Nonviolent Peaceforce has provided accompaniment to South Sudanese women who are routinely raped by armed actors when they go into the bush to collect firewood. These unarmed civilian protectors are part of a growing movement to replace violent solutions to conflict with nonviolent methods. Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) uses unarmed, trained civilians who live and work with local civil society in areas of violent conflict to protect communities and support local peace-builders.
Through presentation and participatory exercises, participants will learn about where and how UCP is working, including examples from South Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, Myanmar, the Philippines and the US. We will discuss how the practice is spreading, how to accelerate this growth, and how you can apply UCP methods in your home community.
- Mel Duncan, co-founder and current Director of Advocacy and Outreach for Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), a world leader in unarmed civilian protection.
- Lea Krivchenka, Regional Director for the Middle East at Nonviolent Peaceforce
Moderator: Victoria Bateman, Associate, Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy
Stirring up #GoodTrouble: How a Grassroots Movement is bringing the nation and world “Back from the Brink” from Nuclear Disaster
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has set the “Doomsday Clock” to 2 minutes to midnight, as a reflection of the existential threat we face as a global community. After years of progress made toward arms control and nuclear disarmament, nuclear powers have withdrawn out of key treaties, and are now pursuing new and more “usable” low-yield nuclear weapons, possibly sparking a new arms race. We cannot reverse course and allow this to continue. Fortunately, a new grassroots movement “Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War” is leading the way to reform U.S. nuclear policy focuses around 5 common sense principles for a more peaceful world. Come and learn more about these principles as well as the strategic effort from the organizers and policy advocates that have helped this effort gain endorsement from national faith groups, city councils, and civil society organizations across the nation.
- Danny Hall, Director of Public Affairs, Soka Gakkai International-USA Outreach in DC
- Dr. Gwen L. DuBois MD, MPH, member of Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility and a founding member of the Crabshell Alliance
- Anthony Weir, Legislative Secretary, Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Moderator: Fr. Frank Breen, MM, Maryknoll NGO Representative at the United Nations with Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Re-Building a Global Future of Hope: Putting Justice and Peace First
Putting “America First” has led to a USA adrift internationally, insulting allies, fighting trade wars, scorning human rights, and breaking international laws and treaties. As people of faith, we offer an alternative vision of international affairs based on cooperation and peace-building that resists authoritarianism. Join us as we test frameworks for new and green visions of human solidarity that can strengthen the public voice of our churches.
- Rev. Dr. Christian Iosso, Coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy for the PCUSA
- Rev. Emily Brewer, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
- Valéry Nodem, Associate for International Hunger Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program PCUSA.
Moderator: Catherine Gordon, Representative for International Issues, PCUSA office of Public Witness