2010 Africa Workshops
The migration of peoples on the African Continent has been a reality for centuries due to trade across the deserts and around its shores, the seasonal search for crops and grazing land, local conflicts and regional movement of peoples, and the slave trade. Today the migration of peoples due to heightened conflicts that have international implications, unfair trade and climate change has caused the greatest internal and external movement of peoples in history. The Africa Track will present three workshops that will offer insights to this human tragedy. Migration caused by conflict in Sudan and Zimbabwe, migration caused by Military policies.
The Potential for Lasting Peace in Sudan
As Sudan prepares for 2010 elections and the 2011 referendum, the challenges are great. The United States was an active participate in the process that led to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement and can play in the coming months an important role in support of peace. Speakers will look at the current situation in Sudan from different perspectives.
- Dan Griffin, Sudan Advisor for CRS and Regional Representative for the Horn of Africa
- Sean P. Brooks is a policy expert at the Save Darfur Coalition.
Zimbabwe’s Challenging Reality
Zimbabwe continues to struggle for a modicum of stability and social justice. As the economic and political situation worsened in the past two years, many Zimbabweans were forced to flee the country or move within the country in search of food and a job. This workshop will consider the record of Zimbabwe’s unity government, the impact of civil society, and future challenges for the people of Zimbabwe in the context of a complex and challenging reality.
Speaker: Briggs Bomba, Director of Campaigns, Africa Action
AFRICOM and how it Contributes to Migration in Africa
Persistent military activity throughout the continent, either governmental or insurgent, has caused great internal and extern migrations of people. Conflicts cause migration. Many say it is the greatest in human history. This workshop will give an overview of that present migration trend, particularly focusing in how the newly established US AFRICOM Command and how it contributes to this human tragedy.
- Dan Volman, Co-chair of the Association of Concerned African Scholars and Director of the African Security Research Project;
- Emira Woods, Co-Director of the Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies
Moderator: Allison Burket of Africa Faith and Justice Network