2013 Advocacy Skills Training

Photo Credit: Marc DelMonico (c) 2005. Used with permission. For information - laymanmarcus@gmail.com


Building Local and Regional Coalitions for Food Security

Many of the solutions to food security can best be done through local solutions that utilize regional resources as well as best apply state and federal programs to the local scene. Learn from a pioneer group in assessing the needs and developing a strategy to develop local/regional food systems.

Presenter: Lindsay Smith, Montgomery County Food Council


Effective Advocacy with State Government

State-based legislative victories can fuel momentum for national change. Learn how to make an impact on public policy in your state.

Presenter: Leslie Manning, Maine Council of Churches


Growing Advocacy from Community Gardens

Community gardens are important ways to bring fresh food to people. Learn best practices for churches and how to invite people to advocacy.

Presenter: Venice R. Williams, Alice’s Garden Urban Farm


Intro to Organizing for Social Change

This workshop will give an introduction to community organizing methodology with discussion of the continuum of action and how to integrate organizing models to your current work. The fundamentals of organizing for social change cut across all issues and can help organization and congregations be more effective in building local power to change social policy. There will be specific attention to the importance of the role of faith rooted organizing in building social movements.

Presenter: Noel Anderson, Church World Service


Introduction to Social Media for Change

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This workshop will introduce the novice to the concept of using social media in advocacy. How does someone get started? What social media platforms have the greatest potential impact on advocacy? This workshop will give basic steps to get started.

Presenters: Matt Smith and Marc DelMonico, Perisphere Media


News Media Outreach for Advocacy

We have compelling stories of those in need and solutions. How do we get them shared in the public conversation with media? This workshop will give you some starter skills and next steps on this journey.

Presenter: Matt Dorf, Rabinowitz & Dorf Communications


Offering of Letters

Bread for the World’s 2013 Offering of Letters campaign will urge Congress and the administration to prepare A Place at the Table for persons who are poor and hungry people. Each year, anti-hunger advocates work with Bread for the World to write to their members of Congress about policies that help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. This skills building session will teach ways to write letters as a group in community or church settings. We will review video and print resources and discuss other tools to help make public witness part of your hunger ministry.

Presenters: Bread for the World Advocacy Staff


Partnering Direct Service and Advocacy

It is relatively easy to have people of good will serve in a soup kitchen or food pantry, but how do we help these good people start adding advocacy to their Christian praxis. Learn some methods to help persons make this connection.

Presenter: Amanda Andere, FACETS – Opening Doors for People in Need


Story, Strategy and Sustained Impact

In this introductory workshop, led by Active Voice (AV), participants will consider the specific ways film and other storybased media can be used strategically to support sustainable change. The workshop will feature the upcoming critically acclaimed documentary, A Place at the Table by Participant Media, which looks at food insecurity and obesity in the United States. Using the AV 3S approach, we’ll look at how this story can by used by Christians to deepen understanding about food insecurity, mobilize communities, and grab the attention of local leaders to advocate for better food related
policies. Participants will leave this interactive workshop with new tools to help them use this and other films to raise awareness and inspire action.

Presenter: Barrie McClune, Active Voice


Social Media Advocacy

This workshop will focus on case studies and best practices for using social media in advocacy — which Senators and Representatives to target, how to amplify your message for greatest potential impact. Participants and conveners will share experiences and contact information, learn from each other and walk away empowered by a new network of fellow advocates. This is designed for those who have some experience and comfort with social media in organizing.

Presenters: Angela Rupchock-Schafer, Church World Service and Robin Stephenson, Bread for the World





Photo Credit: Marc DelMonico (c) 2005. Used with permission. Click to contact photographer.

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