Economic Violence in the Guise of a Trans-Pacific Partnership

Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, 11:00 am

Twenty years after the U.S. negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement, the U.S. is pushing forward its largest trade partnership yet that will incorporate at least twelve countries on four continents and represents about 40 per cent of the global economy. Will this partnership create more jobs for women, rural communities, and industrial workers and go further to protect the environment as the partnership promises?  Or will the agreement protect corporate profit over the rights of workers, God’s Earth and people? A panel of civil society experts will share with us just what the Trans-Pacific Partnership has to offer and suggestions for action in your community.


  • Melinda St. Louis, International Campaigns Director with Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch
  • Christina Cobourn Herman, Associate Director of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate US Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Office
  • Jesse Prentice-Dunn, Representative of Sierra Club’s Responsible Trade Program


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