Christian and Muslim Communities Moving Forward Together

Saturday, Apr 16, 2016, 1:45 pm

In the midst of rising Islamophobia and an unprecedented spike in anti-Muslim incidents nationwide, exacerbated by inflammatory statements by public figures and candidates for office, debate over the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees, and acts of terrorism committed by Daesh (ISIS), there is a vital need for Christians and Muslims to build stronger relationships, working together to support and empower each other’s communities. In this workshop, we will hear from Muslims and Christians about how they are proactively creating opportunities for mutual dialog and then moving forward together to build a more resilient and welcoming nation.


  • Yolanda Randon, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
  • Ron Steif, Shoulder-to-Shoulder and NRCAT
  • Corey Saylor, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).

Yasmine Taeb, FCNL

Also Offered at Saturday, Apr 16, 2016 01:45 pm

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