Proposals for Sustainable Development (Left out of) the Northern Triangle Plan for Prosperity

Saturday, Apr 16, 2016, 3:30 pm

The Alliance for Prosperity Plan for the Northern Triangle of Central America is being marketed as the solution to the development needs and the recent surge of migration from the region. But we should ask, the solution for whom? The plan includes large-scale development projects that exclude the poor and indigenous population and threaten to leave them more marginalized and vulnerable. This workshop will discuss how instead of using its foreign aid to fund such projects, the United States can work to support human-centered, sustainable, long-term development that addresses the concerns of local civil society organizations.


  • Kelsey Alford-Jones, Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
  • Sister Ann Braudis, M.M.
  • Miriam Miranda, Fraternal Black Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH); 
  • Member of the Caravan for Peace, Life, and Justice (invited)

Sponsors: Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA, Latin America Working Group Education Fund, Caravan for Peace, Life, and Justice


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