Raising the Voices of those Impacted by U.S. Drone Warfare: An Examination of the Legal, Ethical, and Policy Impacts of Drone Strikes and Endless War

Saturday, Apr 16, 2016, 3:30 pm

As a result of an increasingly militarized U.S. foreign policy, the U.S. drones program is one of the most secretive and expansive programs today resulting in a high number of civilian casualties, which is left unreported and uninvestigated. This workshop will bring together advocates from faith, legal, and human rights backgrounds who share common concerns about the targeted killing program’s lack of transparency, oversight, and high civilian casualties. Panelists will discuss policy recommendations, such as calling for greater transparency of the program and uplifting the voices of civilians impacted by drone strikes.


  • Rita Siemion, Human Rights First
  • Naureen Shah, Amnesty International USA

Moderator: Yasmine Taeb, Friends Committee on National Legislation


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