For centuries, countless communities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have suffered the consequences of top down development driven by colonialism and the energy and resource needs of developed countries. These consequences include theft of territory, destruction of livelihoods, human rights violations, and extermination. How can we change this broken development model to both address energy poverty in poor communities and ensure that they have agency in the process? Hear from a Kenyan activist working with displaced Masai communities on the devastating impacts of a large-scale geothermal energy project. Brandon Wu from Action Aid USA will share about new and exciting development alternatives to create small scale, decentralized, and community-driven renewable energy projects. This strategy will ensure communities maintain land rights, create sustainable livelihoods, encourage community ownership, and protect creation.
Brandon Wu, Action Aid USA; Jackson Shaa, Narasha Community Development Group, Kenya; Moderator: Chloe Schwabe, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns