Brand H2O: Water Privatization and Clean Water Access

Saturday, Apr 18, 2015, 3:45 pm

There is plenty of safe, drinkable water for every person on the planet. Yet one in four people worldwide don’t have enough safe drinking water. Many private companies, enabled by governments, have successfully exploited the need for safe drinking water and turned a human right into a commodity. Absolving themselves from their duty to provide water access for everyone, local governments have allowed corporations to provide bottled water at a cost and freed themselves from any effort to clean up contaminated local water sources. While corporations profit, people in poverty must choose polluted water at the expense of their health, or divert already sparse resources to purchase wasteful, bottled water. In this interactive workshop we will explore what our faith teaches us about caring for our water sources; ensuring that they remain clean and safe, and available through public water systems. We will connect to water activists and share stories and practices that have been successful in promoting public access to safe drinking water.


Bryce Wiebe, Presbyterian Hunger Program

Lauren DeRusha, Corporate Accountability International



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