The Lived Experiences of Poverty and Racism: Using Your Story to Shape Policy

Saturday, Apr 22, 2017, 3:45 pm

While statistics and fact sheets are powerful tools, a personal story really has the power to transform a policymaker’s perspective and inspire them to make a difference. We’ll hear from several powerful storytellers, part of RESULTS Experts on Poverty network, about their lived experience of poverty and racism. They will share how they developed their own story, and how you can draw from your own experiences to speak powerfully about poverty. In addition, we’ll review data on poverty and racism and why stories that interweave data and personal experiences truly matter. There will be group activities to help participants interweave data and personal stories into their respective advocacy efforts.


Tianna Gaines-Turner, RESULTS Expert on Poverty; Yolanda Gordon, RESULTS Expert on Poverty; Angela Sutton, RESULTS Expert on Poverty; Meredith Dodson, RESULTS; Marlysa Gamblin, Bread for the World.


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